Let’s show our favorite teachers and Fremont Staff Members some appreciation before the year is out!

All submissions due: Friday, June 2nd
Email submissions to jessica.erin.scott@gmail or submit to PTA Mailbox in the Fremont Office
To nominate your teacher for Teacher of the Year, please submit the following:
Give two reasons your teacher deserves to be Teacher of the Year and provide an example of each. You may either write your submissions or make a video.
Both parent and student submissions are welcome. Parents may help transcribe younger children’s submissions if needed.
We also want to recognize the incredible staff members at Fremont. There are so many people who make our school tick that we do not always hear about - office staff, classroom aides, custodians, cafeteria workers, rec aides, etc. Who do you want to say thank you to?
To nominate a Fremont Staff Member, please submit the following:
Give 2 reasons why they deserve to be Staff Member of the Year and provide an example of each. You may either write your submissions or make a video.
Both parent and student submissions are welcome. Parents may help transcribe younger children’s submissions if needed.
A committee will review all the entries and the winners will be recognized at the Community in Unity celebration on June 9th and will also receive a token of our appreciation from the Fremont PTA.