Monday, May 6: Bring your teacher a flower day (to build a bouquet). Maybe someone has a vase they'd like to donate?
Tuesday, May 7: Wear your teacher's favorite color, which is XXX. (Remind them and if you don't know, maybe they have a favorite sports team or band?)
Wednesday, May 8: Make your teacher a homemade card and share some kind words about how special they are. Feel free to include a 5 gift card to their favorite coffee shop or restaurant if you can and want to!
Thursday, May 9: PTA-sponsored Teacher Luncheon. Feel free to also bring their favorite treat or dessert . (Remind them what it is.)
Friday, May 10: Decorate their door ! Bring stickers and use markers to draw your teacher a special message on their classroom door.
Every day: Don't forget to be good and listen! :)