The Fremont "Cretaceous" Carnival is here!
This Saturday, June 1 | 10 am - 2 pm at Fremont Elementary! Entrance on Vermont between Roswell & Termino.
Come and enjoy all the goodies planned for our Fremont Family!
Please bid on the SILENT AUCTION for amazing prizes!
Fruit teas, coffee & boba by caliteausa.com LB
+ Fremont Snack Shack!
DJ music + live band Sugar Skulls LBC
Games, prizes, crafts and so much ROAR!
It's the first time we have invited Community Market vendors - come to support & shop local!
6th and Detroit
Gal + Beau
Our Fremont PTA Business Sponsors will have info available on the "biz table:"
Thank you to all the hard work of our PTA Carnival Team and Silent Auction Team!