The Fremont Costume Parade returns!
Tuesday, October 31, 2:20 pm
Magnolia Lawn
This is a completely optional, fun opportunity for any kids who want to dress up in a silly, creative, scary, or crazy way and parade around the blacktop for all to see on Halloween. Immediately after school, any students wishing to participate should gather on the Magnolia lawn between kinder and the auditorium. They CAN wear reasonable costumes to school that day with NO props, masks, or distracting pieces. No toy weapons at all. Other costume pieces (masks, makeup, wigs, props, etc) may be placed in a bag in the hall outside of classrooms to be put on when they gather on the lawn right after being let out of class at 2:05. Students are responsible for getting themselves ready, OR you may meet your child on the lawn to help them out. Teachers will not be responsible for helping students prep.
At about 2:15, participating students will walk over to the "track" area of the blacktop from the lawn, gather by grade level, and have a turn to march around the track with some fun tunes playing in the background. Parents/families are welcome to come onto campus and be spectators of this entertaining event! We will be sending out a sign-up for folks to help lead students around the track by grade level, so stay tuned for that.
Pumpkin Walk!
We will also have the Fremont Family Pumpkin Walk. Link to last year's entries. On the morning of Oct. 31, entries will be placed on the white tables along our fourth street entrance. Then entries will be picked up at dismissal. Have fun as family creating your Festive Pumpkin to share with the school.
